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Displaying products 1 - 30 of 111 results
Page 1 of 4 Page 1234movenext
Bunny Daze
MSRP: $6.00
Price: 4.20
Bunny Daze
Val's Stuff 30% off MSRP
Kitty Kalendar-January
MSRP: $8.00
Price: 5.60
Kitty Kalendar-January
Val's Stuff 30% off MSRP
Winter on Cherry Tree Lane
MSRP: $11.00
Price: 7.70
Winter on Cherry Tree Lane 30% off MSRP
Christmas Snowman
MSRP: $7.00
Price: 4.90
Christmas Snowman
Val's Stuff 30% off MSRP
Brighter Tomorrows
MSRP: $6.00
Price: 4.20
Brighter Tomorrows
Imaginating Inc. 30% off MSRP
Emily Dickinson Sampler
MSRP: $9.00
Price: 6.30
Emily Dickinson Sampler
The Sampler Girl 30% off MSRP
Family Record Samplers
MSRP: $16.00
Price: 11.20
Family Record Samplers
With my Needle 30% off MSRP
Flowers, Plants & Fishes
MSRP: $13.50
Price: 9.45
Flowers, Plants & Fishes
Rosewood Manor 30% off MSRP
For My Friend - Scissor Pocket
MSRP: $13.50
Price: 9.45
For My Friend - Scissor Pocket
A Limited Edition Design from Dinky-Dyes & The Cat's Whiskers 30% off MSRP
Heart Tree Necklace
MSRP: $11.50
Price: 8.05
Heart Tree Necklace
Rosewood Manor 30% off MSRP
L'il Spring Fling
MSRP: $16.50
Price: 11.55
L'il Spring Fling
Pickle Barrel Designs 30% off MSRP
"Holiday Holly" Biscornu Pincushion
MSRP: $19.00
Price: 13.30
"Holiday Holly" Biscornu Pincushion
The Sweetheart Tree 30% off MSRP
A Penny Saved
MSRP: $8.00
Price: 5.60
A Penny Saved
La-D-Da 30% off MSRP
ABC Hellebores
MSRP: $65.00
Price: 45.50
ABC Hellebores
ABC Hellebores 30% off MSRP
Acorns Rule Accoutrements
MSRP: $10.00
Price: 7.00
Acorns Rule Accoutrements
Milady's Needle 30% off MSRP
Adoration 4
MSRP: $16.00
Price: 11.20
Adoration 4
Courtney Collection 30% off MSRP
MSRP: $9.00
Price: 6.30
Hands to Work 30% off MSRP
Angels' Praise
MSRP: $8.00
Price: 5.60
Angels' Praise
Plum Street Samplers 30% off MSRP
Angels Sampler
MSRP: $11.50
Price: 8.05
Angels Sampler
The Workbasket 30% off MSRP
Autumn Crock
MSRP: $12.00
Price: 8.40
Autumn Crock
Waxing Moon Designs 30% off MSRP
Bats, Bugs, Toads & Spiders
MSRP: $8.00
Price: 5.60
Bats, Bugs, Toads & Spiders
Glendon Place 30% off MSRP
MSRP: $8.00
Price: 5.60
Haberdashery 30% off MSRP
Bikinis on the Beach
MSRP: $10.00
Price: 7.00
Bikinis on the Beach
Liz Turner Diehl 30% off MSRP
Blackwork Bird House
MSRP: $6.00
Price: 4.20
Blackwork Bird House
The Stitching Parlor 30% off MSRP
Blooms of Spring
MSRP: $9.00
Price: 6.30
Blooms of Spring
Hands to Work 30% off MSRP
Bouquet for February
MSRP: $7.00
Price: 4.90
Bouquet for February
Cedar Hill 30% off MSRP
Bouquet for July
MSRP: $7.00
Price: 4.90
Bouquet for July
Cedar Hill 30% off MSRP
Cabin Under the Stars
MSRP: $12.00
Price: 8.40
Cabin Under the Stars
Always Time to Stitch 30% off MSRP
MSRP: $6.00
Price: 4.20
Twisted Threads 30% off MSRP
MSRP: $8.00
Price: 5.60
Haberdashery 30% off MSRP
Page 1 of 4 Page 1234movenext